Jake Bilyk
Digital greetings! Thank you for visiting my personal website. Here I wish to share my skillset, passions, goals, and ways I live my life.

Digital greetings! Thank you for visiting my personal website. Here I wish to share my skillset, passions, goals, and ways I live my life.
I have been running a Creality Ender-3 Pro for 1 year now alongside Fusion360 Student. I have created some useful inventions for around the house and in the laboratory!
I believe all formal STEM Education should have a stronger focus on programming. My journey past Excel began with making small adjustments to MATLAB control scripts in 2018 and then writing scripts in MATLAB and Python for my Materials Engineering coursework and personal research. I have compiled my own Marlin firmware for my 3D printer and have written a few small programs in C and Python. I am currently ~40% complete with CodeCademy's Full Stack Engineer course. Go see my GitHub for more and future contributions!
With help from friends and local resources I have cared for all my vehicles during their lifetimes. My first car is still running great after difficult repairs such as new thermostat housing, fresh calipers, and throttle body done by myself. I am also working on bringing an old 1996 convetible back to life on which we have already replaced the valve cover gaskets, spark plugs, rear drums, front brakes, and faulty electrical.